Jamaica became cemented in the field of ADR with the establishment of THE DISPUTE RESOLUTION FOUNDATION in July 1994. This was done with the goal of increasing cooperation in the management and resolution of disputes involving business, the police, courts, social service agencies and the people, through the controlled process of mediation, under the Chairmanship of Mr. Novar McDonald.


From May/June 2000 to August 2005 the DRF, as a significant partner, implemented the Social Conflict and Legal Reform Project  (SCLRP) of CIDA and the Government of Jamaica. This project included training of mediators and establishing of Peace & Justice Centres in Trench Town and Flankers in Montego Bay. In addition, new Civil Procedure Rules, Part 74, instituting automatic referral to Mediation in the Civil Division of the Supreme Court came into being in January 2006.


Additional Peace & Justice Centres have been established throughout the island, namely in Kingston & St. Andrew, St. Mary, Manchester, Hanover, St. Catherine, St. Ann, Portland, Trelawney, Clarendon and St. James, which has four locations; trained mediators are in St. Thomas, Westmoreland and St. Elizabeth. These centres and mediators offer mediation services and support the work of the police, courts, CBOs and schools in reducing crime and violence in Jamaica.

Over the years, the DRF has continued develop a panel of skilled mediators and trainers to resolve disputes and train mediators in Jamaica. Our catalogue of ADR experts also developed business, court-annexed, police and community dispute resolution, and arbitration programmes – appropriate options for dispute resolution- under the patronage of the Chief Justice of Jamaica.

February 1995 to the present has seen over 80,000 persons being recipients of training or mediation services, in Jamaica, Belize, Haiti, Trinidad & Tobago, The Bahamas, Guyana, Barbados and the OECS states. Participants included teachers, students, lay magistrates, police officers, community leaders, inmates, correctional service officers, judges, attorneys, corporate executives, managers, line staff and young people.

Furthermore, public awareness of mediation has greatly increased in the country as political parties, the correctional services, social development groups and the business communities have begun to use the DRF services to improve the workplace climate.

The Foundation continues to work throughout Jamaica and the Caribbean, promoting Mediation programmes, as well as interventions in communities, schools and incidence of domestic violence. Continued sustainability and institutional growth and strengthening will require a combination of corporate and international grants and donations as well as fees for service.